Schools can use analytics to drive student success and retention
Hi Dad,
Everything is going great and I’m really enjoying school so far, but I think the campus is reading my mind. Weird things keep happening…If I’m walking around campus and I’m in front of the campus coffee shop, I’ll get drink discounts on my phone or I’ll get a 2 for 1 offer for pizza slices as I walk into the cantina. How does anyone know that I’m even there?
I just added my last class, and before I had a chance to look up the required books, I already had a list of books waiting on my phone with directions to the bookstore and the aisle where I could find them. Weird, right?
I had the flu last week and couldn’t go to class for a couple of days. I felt so sick that I wasn’t able to let anyone know that I would be out. I got a notification from my professor asking about my attendance, when I might be well enough to come back to class and was able to download the assignments that I missed. How does the campus know?!!! Are there tiny drones flying around keeping track of me?!! Microwaves that are reading my mind?!! Should I start wearing a tin foil hat?!!
Don’t get me wrong. There are some real perks to the school being able to read my mind. We had a fire alarm go off as I was walking through the Humanities building and I got evacuation instructions immediately on my phone for getting out of the building. Luckily it was a false alarm, but the instructions meant no confusion or panic. Oh…and I had to give a biology presentation and I had checked out a projector that just disappeared. We were able to track it and find out where it got moved to, so the day was saved. Aced the presentation too!
That’s all for now. I’ve got to run to my next class, but wanted to send you a quick update. Tell Mom I’ll shoot her a quick note this week. Can’t wait for winter break to see you both. Dorm food is OK, but if you can send me some extra cash for food that would be great.
Love, Julie
Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise’s proactive analytics for education can provide student data to help drive your student’s success. No tin foil hat is required.
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